This December, JamQuest Sherpa, Noah Kreider, and his amazing team inspired us all with their trip to the Philippines. Imagine if young people all over the country decided to use their breaks to serve others. Read below about the ways Noah and HOPE worldwide brought faith, hope, and love to those in need!
“This past Christmas, I was able to do something very special. I traveled to Manila, in the Philippines, to lead a HOPE Youth Corps along with Hannah DeSouza. I have been fortunate enough to be on 8 different HOPE Youth Corps around the globe, and this one was nothing short of special. Along with 35 participants from around the world, we went on a mission to try and give back this Christmas.
We gave our hearts, but the amount of love and gifts given back to us were priceless. We witnessed some of the most tragic poverty and sickness. But along with that, we saw the most joy, resilience, and bravery from the same people. As we built homes, they showed us how to build and fed us. When we taught the children and tried to heal wounds of abuse, they hugged us, and showed smiles. As we sang Christmas carols, they offered us everything they had.
My favourite place and moments were spent at the HOPE worldwide center in Laguna. This place has many functions, but is primarily a haven and home for a group of girls aged 6-20 that have suffered abuse unimaginable and unbearable to think about. Although these girls have suffered more than I can fathom, I watched as they loved every person they came into contact with. We sang songs to God together at 5am as the sun rose; we prayed as the sun went down, and they rejoiced all day long. They cried and their hearts broke as we left, but they told us that we would always be in their hearts. Some of the girls told me that because of HOPE Youth Corps they will now start studying the Bible. I admire these girls and I am inspired by their bravery. I also admire the HYC participants who decided to care this Christmas and, even in a small way, do what they could to help. God is truly working through the HOPE staff and the programs in the Philippines.
Please talk to me if you are inspired to do something to help those in need. There are many ways to get involved. I challenge everyone to decide to care in some way, and see what God can do with that. Keep the Philippines in your hearts and prayers, and all of those around the world that are in these extreme situations. Thank you!”
Click here to learn more about HOPE worldwide.
Click here to learn more about JamQuest’s World Changer 365 Program and how you can change the world all throughout the year!